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10% off on all 4-packs of beer to-go!

Lya Beer Café
Krymská 39
10100 Prague

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Létající pivovar Tour de Piva

Létající pivovar Tour de Piva

Welcome the first day of spring with a Tour de Pivo and Flying Brewery Tap Take Over in Vršovice’s Pivni Zastavka, Galerie Piva, and Lya Beer Cafe.

Halloween Party @ Lya

Halloween Party @ Lya

The Spooky Season is here! On Tuesday October 22 join us for our Halloween party.

Oktoberfest at Lya

Oktoberfest at Lya

A chill is in the air and malty lagers taste extra good - Oktoberfest season is upon us!