Létající pivovar Tour de Piva
Welcome the first day of spring with a Tour de Pivo and Flying Brewery Tap Take Over in Vršovice’s Pivni Zastavka, Galerie Piva, and Lya Beer Cafe.
Welcome the first day of spring with a Tour de Pivo and Flying Brewery Tap Take Over in Vršovice’s Pivni Zastavka, Galerie Piva, and Lya Beer Cafe.
Join us on March 12 for an evening with Jitka of Wild Creatures!
Meta Edabeak's Guided Tasting of Their Lovely Saisons!
Join us for our Christmas party on 13th of December
Zichovec will be releasing new barrels at Lya Beer Café
An event for anyone speaking or interested in learning Swedish
The Spooky Season is here! On Tuesday October 22 join us for our Halloween party.
A chill is in the air and malty lagers taste extra good - Oktoberfest season is upon us!