Beer Tasting: Meta Edabeak
Meta Edabeak's Guided Tasting of Their Lovely Saisons!
Meta Edabeak will have a guided tasting of their lovely saisons and they will provide an evening of good old fun on January 23. From the northern Basque nook of Spain, they’ll share their barrel-aged story with guests as we taste a little piece of their world.
With a nomadic beginning as many breweries have, the name Meta Edabeak reflects its environment and agrarian roots; meta in Basque means a pile of grass for farm animals to feed on during winter.
Participants will try 6 beers, all of which offer something different:
- Intixisu: saison with elderflower
- Hirukote: a stellar chestnut barrel aged grape ale
- Zooby Zooby: barrel aged farmhouse kölsch
- Basotik: sour ale with spruce buds & chestnut honey
- Sumendi Nagoya: rye saison
- Beeriz: grisette with black & red currents